Thursday, March 14, 2013

Much love on your path

So it's been a long while since I've written on this blog.  Life happens, and somehow time has a way of evading my grasp. :)  But, even though time has passed, I've still decided to stay on this ever evolving plant-based, whole foods, vegan journey. It's been easy at times, hard at times, confusing at times, and an eye-opening-kick-in-the-pants-wake up call. Sounds daunting or negative??? No, actually it hasn't been!  It's been a fun, awesome, and invigorating experience thus far!!!

I find that eating a plant-based, whole foods, vegan diet has totally changed my life for the better.  It's given me more energy (more consistent energy throughout the day too), helped me lose 35 pounds, helped me to feel like a hottie again, is saving the planet, is saving animals' lives from inhumane treatment, and has made my cholesterol numbers plummet.  "Whaaat??? Seriously??!?", you might ask.  Yes, seriously!  There is actually a way to change your life for the positive, that also changes EVERYTHING around you.  Sweetness!!!

This is me "after" the eating transformation...

And this is me before...

I feel the urge to write again because, besides feeling awesome from this new way of living/eating and wanting to share this fact, I wanted to also share that animals are being cruelly raised and killed in such a huge scale.  I don't think the general public is aware of this fact.  I mean, hell, I wasn't aware of this.  I was totally disconnected from how animals were killed every time I ate a steak at Outback Steakhouse.  I didn't see a face on my plate.  I didn't see an individual.  I didn't see that this was an animal with a mom and a dad who experienced a whole range of emotions. I didn't see that this individual was raised in horrible, confined, cruel conditions, mutilated, tortured, hurt, filled with fear, and then brutally killed (the way you see on CSI shows or Criminal Minds).  I didn't even conceive of the fact that animals were hurt when I ate pound upon pound of cheese.  I didn't see my cheese or meat as anything other than inanimate food.  I didn't see the eyes, the fear, the pain, the fact that this animal had a plethora of emotions that were just as varied as mine or as my dogs.  I didn't see this.  Until now.

It reminds me of scenes from the movie "The Matrix" or the story "The Simile of the Sun", where people wake up to the fact that the reality they were living, wasn't the real story or real life at all.  This is exactly what is happening in the factory farming industry.  It is just like the movie "The Matrix", except this time IT'S REAL.  This is really happening.  It is our present-day-version of the Holocaust.  Except this time, the concentration camps are filled with feeling animals.  These animals ARE physically tortured.  They are psychologically, emotionally, spiritually tortured.  And these animals want to live. (As evidenced in all the stories of farm animals who escape and flee for their lives.)  They don't want to die. They. Want. To. Live.

I really want to share this because, I didn't know about factory farms until a little over a year ago.  And I wish I had known sooner so that I could have made a compassionate choice sooner.  I was duped by big business to believe the marketing ploys I saw on tv and on billboards.  Watching the movie "Earthlings" and even "Peaceable Kingdom" lifted the veil of the fantasy land I was living in. These are two movies which show you how your meat is raised and made. Each movie shows you footage of what happens to produce your meat.  I fully support watching these movies so that you, in good conscience, can decide for yourself what you want to do.  It IS possible to go completely vegan.  You just need a new way of thinking, a new pair of glasses, and a little information so that your vegan experience is successful.  Watch those movies and then decide for yourself.  I'm glad I watched those movies (even though it was really difficult).  Now I know what's up.  And you can too.

Take care of yourselves, take care of the planet with all its wonderful, sentient beings, and take care of your loved ones.  Much love on your path.

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